Piotr Karnkowski

Piotr Karnkowski

Managing Director, Financial and Capital Markets Division, Polish State Development Bank; Chairman of the Management Board, Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund

Piotr Karnkowski graduated from Faculty of Economics at Cracow Academy of Economics. He received his master’s degree in Organization and Management.  He started his, over 20-year, career in banking from the position of a dealer in Treasury Department to the Treasurer role. As the Treasurer he was responsible for treasury i.a. transactions in the interbank market, ALM or liquidity and investment portfolios. He supervised also sale of treasury products for bank’s customers. He has an asset management experience as well as the CEO of asset management company. He was responsible for: investment process, investment results of the company, Legal, Compliance, Internal Audit and HR Department. He chaired Investment and Supervision Committee.

Since 2017 Piotr is the managing director at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego responsible for Financial and Capital Markets Division. His main responsibilities are: managing daily and structural liquidity risk as well as currency and interest rate risk, selling treasury products and development of treasury products offer aiming at hedging market risks of both – Bank and its clients. Additionally, he manages capital investment portfolio of the Bank and its whole activity connected with funding in the form of own issuances of bonds and loans drawn from international institutions.

Additionally Piotr sits on infrastructure European funds Marguerite I Management Board and Marguerite II Advisory Committee.